Thursday, June 4, 2009

Under the Covers

As we continue to be buried under a daily avalanche of outrage, insanity, lawlessness, stupidity and terror, it is important to remember a few things:

1) We must square our collective shoulders, come out from under the covers, [AND the avalanche from hell], man up and look the truth squarely in the eye as we expose it and make it viral;

2) As we continue to do this, we must remember, as Mad Magazine's inimitable Don Martin, to find humor in everything we can. [A big thanks to Mad and Mr. Martin for making our world a funnier place].

This is not to say that the things we hear are laughable. On the contrary, they are most often blood curdlingly [is that even a WORD?!] grim, as can be seen below in just a small sampling of snippets from today's Worst, or, as our Logistics Monster so sagely puts it, the "A.Y.F.K.M. Awards."

1. NRA Appeals Seventh Circuit Ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court

Fairfax, Va. - Today, the National Rifle Association filed a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of NRA v. Chicago. The NRA strongly disagrees with yesterday's decision issued by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, holding that the Second Amendment does not apply to state and local governments.

2. Cover-up: CBS bans eligibility billboards

WASHINGTON – The company touting itself as the "world's largest out-of-home media" enterprise has banned WND's national billboard campaign that asks one simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"

3. CBS Outdoor, a division of CBS Corp. that sells more outdoor advertising than any other billboard company in North America, refuses to accept purchases of space on any of its 550,000 displays nationwide, media buyers for WND report. [Note from Logistics Monster

"6/3/09: America is waking up. The changes in hits on this site for different search terms is shifting from Montana Gun Law and Sonia Sotomayor Gun Control TO Obama's Occidental Records and Impeach Obama. This shift started 2 days ago and has been trending upwards daily. Food for thought"].

4. White House 'dialogue' site scrubbed of eligibility posts
Many Obama birth certificate queries yanked from 'transparency' debate. This one is to die for: World Net Daily's Chelsea Schilling reports that the site the White House put up recently, claiming it wanted input from Americans [what a novel idea!] has scrubbed over 200 threads asking about eligibility issues.
With more than 200 individual threads and thousands of comments on the eligibility issue alone, moderators of the White House website on "open government dialogue" have been working tirelessly to edit the dialogue about Barack Obama's elusive "long-form" birth certificate.
Many of the top-rated threads are from citizens calling on Obama to release his birth certificate. The postings in the "top rated" category have received the most "looks promising" votes from users. New threads on the topic of Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president are appearing by the minute.
WND observed the "Making Data More Accessible" section for several hours as more suggestions appeared and at least 60 were subsequently deleted on the first page alone – all requests for the president to submit proof of citizenship.
One deleted post echoed many others in asking President Obama to "Prove that you are a U.S. citizen and valid president."
The post asks why Obama doesn't simply release his "real birth certificate and end all of this controversy."
"Are you a fraud?" it asks. "Is your election to the highest office in the land the largest scam ever pulled on the American people? Are you really not eligible for office? End the speculation and prove who you are."
Let Obama and everyone else know you care about the Constitution. Take part in the WND's "Where's the Birth Certificate?" billboard campaign!
Another removed thread titled, "Where is the Obama legal documentation to prove who he actually is?" asked the president to provide the following documents: original, vault copy birth certificate, records of attorney fees, marriage and divorce records for Obama's parents, passport, adoption records, school records and various other documents.
One displeased user who had his post deleted wrote, "I posted a comment about the lack of transparency in President Obama's administration and history, and down it came in minutes. So much for a open dialogue or, for that matter, freedom of speech."
Another man suggested U.S. citizens consider a class-action lawsuit against President Obama until he surrenders his documents. His post stated, in part:

Dear President, If only you would show us your long form birth certificate that shows location (hospital) of birth as well as attending physician info. Be it duly noted that We the People of this constitutional republic do hereby note many of the abuses of power that you and your administration's representatives are currently engaged in. We the People do hereby
certify that we are considering all legal options available to restrict your audacity to run roughshod over the Constitution, abuse of power and office, as well as spending too much friggin' money when we are, as a nation, broke..."

His post was subsequently deleted. "Who would have thought that even contemplating such action would be required against a sitting president and administration? A class-action approach may be the only viable way to force reporting in the mainstream press," he told WND.

Meanwhile, a thread titled "Contact the media to get it out in the open that the 'birthers' are a racist terrorist organization practicing electronic espionage" remained in place for much of the day while messages from the so-called "birthers" were removed. It has now been flagged. A link for providing news tips to CNN accompanied the message.

5. A California pastor and his wife were required by San Diego County officials to obtain a permit to hold a Bible study in their home.
"What?! Is this a joke?" I wondered as I heard the news for the first time. It was no joke. Rather, it's a First Amendment nightmare and possibly a foreshadowing of what's to come.
Are you prepared for a future in which you hear, "Got your permit to study the Bible?"
On April 10 (Good Friday), a county code enforcement officer visited the home of David and Mary Jones after receiving a complaint about their Christian gatherings. The Jones' attorney, Dean Broyles, president of The Western Center for Law & Policy, conveyed in disbelief, "The county asked (Mrs. Jones), 'Do you have a regular meeting in your home?' She said, 'Yes.' 'Do you say "amen"?' 'Yes.' 'Do you pray?' 'Yes.' 'Do you say "praise the Lord"?' 'Yes.'"
The officer then warned the family to "cease and desist" the "religious gathering" or they would face weekly fines. A few days later, the county delivered a citation claiming that the Joneses were guilty of "unlawful use of land" and mandating them to "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit."
At first, I thought, "They must have a large congregation meeting in their home to warrant this type of citation and prompt this type of commotion, right?" Actually, according to their lawyer, the Joneses have been hosting weekly Bible studies in their home for about five years, with an average attendance of only about 15 people.
Broyles appropriately responded, "If the county thinks they can shut down groups of 10 or 15 Christians meeting in a home, what about people who meet regularly at home for poker night? What about people who meet for Tupperware parties? What about people who are meeting to watch baseball games on a regular basis and support the Chargers?"

Well, this past weekend, barraged by hundreds of complaints after WorldNetDaily broke the news to the international community, San Diego County officials informed the world that they'd backed down from requiring the Joneses to obtain a permit. Despite their retraction (based solely upon public pressure, I might add), however, I am appalled at how far the county's enforcement and encroachment crossed the constitutional line and became a flagrant disregard for Americans' right to exercise their religious faiths. And I'm concerned that we will see far more of these overreaching governmental actions in years to come.
As Mary Jones shared with Fox News: "The implications are great because it's not only us that's involved. There are thousands and thousands of Bible studies that are held all across the country. What we're interested in is setting a precedent here -- before it goes any further -- and that we have it settled for the future."

6. 'Obama met Muslim Brotherhood members in U.S.'

U.S. President Barack Obama met with members of Egypt's Islamist opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier this year, according to a report in Thursday editions of the Egyptian daily newspaper Almasry Alyoum. The newspaper reported that Obama met the group's members, who reside in the U.S. and Europe, in Washington two months ago.
According to the report, the members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized. They expressed to Obama their support for democracy and the war on terror.
The newspaper also reported that the members communicated to Obama their position that the Muslim Brotherhood would abide by all agreements Egypt has signed with foreign countries.
Obama landed in Cairo on Thursday to deliver a conciliatory speech as part of his outreach to the Arab and Muslim world. The Muslim Brotherhood is considered a Sunni-dominated fundamentalist Islamic organization that has spawned numerous factions across the Arab world that have engaged in terrorist activity, including the Palestinian rejectionist group Hamas.
It is also the main opposition bloc to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whose regime is viewed favorably in the West due to its adherence to the thirty-year-old peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

7. From Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 3, 2009
The two Hamas militiamen killed earlier this week by Palestinian Authority
policemen in Kalkilya initially used a local woman as a human shield during
the seven-hour gun battle before she herself threw a grenade at the
policemen, PA security sources said on Wednesday. The woman, Amal, is the wife of Abdel Nasser al-Basha, the owner of the house where the two Hamas men, Muhammad Samman and Muhammad Yassin, had been hiding.
OKAY. Now, let me get this straight: THESE are the people Mr. Obama, with HR 1388, is giving that $20 Million to travel to and settle in the US??

And so it goes. Keep the faith all...keep learning and spreading the Truth...laugh when you can, love all you can and stand up for our Republic by attending Tea Parties and marches!

The march on Washington DC is on 9/12/09. Glenn Beck’s 912 Project; the 09.12.09 National Taxpayer Protest, sponsored by Freedom Works Foundation, Campaign For Liberty. This is a crucial crossroads for our Republic. As Logistics Monster says, "Our non-representative representatives will either be listening or they won’t, and we will finally have our answer. Do we get our Republic back or are we on our way to anarchy?" Remember the difference between a March and a Revolution: a March assumes that someone in leadership cares about the message; a Revolution has realized that they don't.

Oh, and see "The Pink Panther"--the Peter Sellers version! It does wonders for the psyche!

bwssnino & 2/8

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